
Another poem
Oh frail creature you’ve
done it again, again are you maligned
ransacked and unsound
You’ve not done the research
You’ve lost the thread
It is better to be alone than
admired by a liar
And yes, I say admired because
he doesn’t love you and
he is incapable of love but
Lord has he tried
He thinks he has
He’s done his best
Forgive him but
he must go; get him out

Will you consider
for one minute
You don’t need anything more than
Your God
and your lip balm
Don’t be the solution
to someone else’s problem

You are a person


Another poem
I didn’t write a poem yesterday
I spent the entirety of Sunday night awake
I was in unrelenting oain
I probably should see a doctor
I slept most of Tuesday until it was time for work
I had some obligations to catch up on
I always put my writing last
I am literally just writing whatever I’m thinking right now
Which is not really a poem
I am going through the motions
I am “doing the work”
I am getting something out
Which really is half of life, isn’t it
Doing whatever you have to do
Until you do it beautifully
Sorry you had to watch the
sausage get made


Another poem.
I am in constant pain
It never ends
It sometimes abates
It shifts to new places
Just when I think an old pain is done
a new one takes its place
or it comes back
Since I was 7 years old
always the pain

I challenge the pain
“Fight me, you coward,” I yell at it.
It is the nerves, you see.
They are overly alert.
There are medications for this.
They make me stupid.

I challenge the pain.
“You are a record of something that is done! Get over yourself! Get lost! Get out!”

The pain grins at me from behind a rib
From atop my ankle
From beneath my scapula
From deep inside my guts
“I remember everything,” it sneers.

“You are just creating drama,” I sneer back, as I hand it to God.

Sick Burn, Bro

Another poem
Who was ever moved by mockery?

Which of us was drawn to

another viewpoint

another idea

by name calling?

Which of us felt engaged in discussion after being called


Who is winning here?

Your side is not winning

Their side is not winning

The only grin I see in the crowd

is a toothy, rotten maw

His breath is heavy with sulfur

And he delights in your self satisfaction

Love Will Not Be Silenced

Another poem
There is tremendous appeal in
the cloistered life
A life focused on Christ alone where
petty daily worldliness cannot creep in
Where the Things of this age dissolve into distant memory
never to trouble one again
And the simple Truth of Love is before you

But would I be able to take a cat?

Are we allowed to bring moisturizer?
My skin gets so dry

How do I give this Love to people when I am shut in somewhere?
It hurts all the time but
I cannot stop giving it
Like a poked bruise
Love will not be silenced

Ninety Five Percent

Another poem
It’s different
But is it friendship
It is companionship
But is it love
It’s all business and it’s not pleasure
It’s all listening but never leaving
It’s all secrets and sometimes laughter
But never a laugh
It’s all the work and seldom wonder
And never wander
It is limited and liminal

I can’t be your therapist if you
never pay me
But I mean
we know me
It’s okay

Terror of Evil Spirits

Another poem

Would that there was a father

So favoured by God that

Demons flee from him, spectres hide from his gaze

This is the father who would check the closet or

under the bed and you’d know

know with every fiber of the certainty of your being that

it was free of monsters

Lover of poverty

Who places love before all things

Who placed Love before all things

For demons lurk in possessions

and obsessions but

There is no evil in love

Guess Who Sucks at Remembering to Write a Poem a Day?

Another poem, but super lazy

It’s me! It’s definitely me.

It’s also you. I note that you are not writing a poem a day. You don’t have to at all, I just thought I’d even the blaming field

Normies get to rest and reflect during Lent

People in ministry do not

People with side hustles never rest

People who pray 2 hours a day are resting but also

Those 2 hours are not spent writing poems

I dreamt last night Led Zeppelin got back together

My friend Chris got us tickets; I brought the cat

The show was so packed we couldn’t actually sit where we could see it

But sometimes we had an opportunity to poke our heads through a hatch & see the stage up close

The opening act was some sort of conga number with a guy dressed as Jesus

When it was my turn to look in the hatch, Jesus looked right at me & winked

The next part of the dream was a CSI type explanation of cat whisker function

This is when I woke up & realized that the “dream” was purgatory

This is a terrible poem, but it may also be my best