Guess Who Sucks at Remembering to Write a Poem a Day?

Another poem, but super lazy

It’s me! It’s definitely me.

It’s also you. I note that you are not writing a poem a day. You don’t have to at all, I just thought I’d even the blaming field

Normies get to rest and reflect during Lent

People in ministry do not

People with side hustles never rest

People who pray 2 hours a day are resting but also

Those 2 hours are not spent writing poems

I dreamt last night Led Zeppelin got back together

My friend Chris got us tickets; I brought the cat

The show was so packed we couldn’t actually sit where we could see it

But sometimes we had an opportunity to poke our heads through a hatch & see the stage up close

The opening act was some sort of conga number with a guy dressed as Jesus

When it was my turn to look in the hatch, Jesus looked right at me & winked

The next part of the dream was a CSI type explanation of cat whisker function

This is when I woke up & realized that the “dream” was purgatory

This is a terrible poem, but it may also be my best